Expenses are something that no company can avoid. But if you utilize them correctly, you may lower your tax burden when you’ve mastered the art of separating legitimate from frivolous company costs. Without further ado, therefore, what costs are considered Nondeductible expenses?

Moon Invoice has compiled a detailed guide to all of the costs that are nondeductible expenses.

What are Non-Deductible Expenses?

A company’s depreciation, interest, and asset taxes are deductible. Those that cannot be deducted are called “Nondeductible expenses.” Knowing which ones may be deducted from your federal income taxes and which ones can’t is essential.

It might be difficult for workers to determine whether costs are 100 percent tax deductible, 50 percent tax deductible, and non tax deductible when they begin incurring such costs on the company’s behalf.

To a large extent, this is because everything is governed by different laws at different levels of government. Certain business expenses may be tax deductible in one nation (or even a single state) but not another.

To help you get a feel for the landscape, we’ve highlighted both tax-deductible and non-deductible types of business expenses. Of course, always verify with your accountant or business policy to avoid any surprises.

15 Common Non-deductible Expenses for Businesses

Here is a breakdown of some of the most common non taxable deductions that are a part of business expenses.

1. Commuting Expenses

Do you often use general public transit or drive your personal vehicle to and from work? Unfortunately, certain expenses incurred while traveling to and from work each day are not tax deductible.

However, suppose you have to take a trip during business hours to meet with a potential client or attend a directly related work meeting. In that case, the commuting costs of your trip may be tax-deductible.

2. Meals and Entertainment

Meals and entertainment activities paid for on business activities and trips are often tax deductible. However, the expense of a team meal expenses intended to foster camaraderie among workers may not be tax deductible. Therefore, distinguishing between business and leisurely dining costs while working late is essential.

For future new business reasons, supper with a prospective customer is often deductible as an expenditure. However, going to the movies with your co-workers is not tax deductible.

3. Personal Expenses

As previously indicated, it is not able to deduct typical outlays on food, clothing, and entertainment—non-business related uses of a motor vehicle or a personal mobile phone.

Suppose it is not necessary for business conduct or is not directly connected to your job requirement. In that case, you should not spend time on it. As a company owner, you must be cognizant of your personal and business incidental expenses.

4. Political Contributions

You may back a local political candidate with all your heart and soul. They may even be enthusiastic about your field and planning substantial future expenditures on it. However, donations to political campaigns are never tax deductible as a business expense. This is not always the case, but it occasionally applies to philanthropic giving.

5. Certain Gifts

A present to a prospective customer or business partner is not out of the ordinary. You care about maintaining a solid working relationship, so you decided to demonstrate your gratitude. In any case, there is a maximum full amount you should spend on a present for another person.

Business-related gifts made for commercial purposes are only tax deductible up to $25. If the total lobbying expenses exceeded the allowable limit, the certain amount additional would not be tax deductible. As a result, you would have to fork up your cash to purchase an expensive gift.

6. Anything Illegal

Any lobbying expenses that might be linked to criminal actions or illegal bribes are likewise not considered in tax deductions. For example, losses incurred from things like gambling would not be deductible. If you need additional information, you can see a lawyer. Still, you can’t claim a deduction if you don’t report it on your taxes.

7. Travel Expenses for Extra Travelers

Depending on your line of work, frequent business trips away from the office may be routine. In addition, most business travel costs are completely deducted expenses. Certain expenses incurred when traveling, such as those for gas, lodging, and food, are often deductible.

You cannot claim reimbursement or pay their costs if you bring a companion such as a friend, spouse, or partner that comes under family expenses. All personal expenses fall incurred by anyone accompanying you on your business trip who is not an official company employee are your responsibility.

Record Travel Expenses On the Go!

Moon Invoice lets you record all types of travel expenses with the help of a readymade expense template. Also, download expense statements for FREE.

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8. Charitable Contributions

Charity donations are deducted expenses for individuals (using Schedule A) but often not for companies. What if your firm is a single proprietorship, and you include it on your tax return for the tax year?

Since Schedule C is for partnerships and corporations, single owners cannot deduct contributions. The Internal Revenue Service would consider this a nondeductible personal cost. Similar considerations apply to a single-member LLC (LLC). However, corporations may claim tax breaks on their behalf since the general rule or law recognizes them as legal persons.

9. Corporate Wear

You wouldn’t be able to write off the cost of a suit if you never needed to wear it because you never attended business meetings. However, people who pay taxes yet who wear branded uniforms or specific safety clothes may.

10. Legal Fees

All legal fees and following expenses incurred during the commercial buy property are not tax deductible. Therefore, neither the cost of the land nor its improvement may be written off. However, depreciation of the structure may be.

11. Club Memberships

A hotel membership club might be beneficial if you often provide members with a stay in hotels while traveling for work. Entering a local regulations business club, such as country clubs, social clubs, or similar events might also be beneficial. However, as stated in the section on entertainment, the following expenses are not tax deductible.

12. Fines and Penalties

Don’t worry about deducting them since you can’t add them under the deductible expense. The majority of fines and penalties are due to federal and state tax return filing delays. All penalties, including parking fees violations, safety infractions, and other offenses, cannot be deducted from taxable income.

13. Home Office

In certain cases, you may be able to write off the expenses related to setting up a home office that you need to dedicate only a certain area of your home or office to your small business. It need not be a designated area, but it should be free of distractions.

Because of this, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to claim a deduction for a home office that also serves as a guest bedroom. However, it still comes under deductible business expenses if you set aside a specific basement area for tax returns and tax purposes.

14. Capital Expenses and Equipment

Investments in things that will serve your company well for more than the current year are called capital expenses. Possible examples of such items include business vehicles, buildings, plots of land, and franchise rights.

Capital expenses are not deductible, although starting expenditures (usually up to $5,000) are. If you have questions regarding what qualifies as a capital outlay and whether or not your purchase price will be depreciable, you should see a tax professional.

15. Insurance

Insurance premium amounts paid on behalf of a company may be eligible for a tax write-off in certain jurisdictions and with certain policies like life insurance premiums. In most cases, premium amounts paid for mandatory insurance policies like workers’ compensation and general liability may be deducted from the gross income.

Additional insurance policies, such as those for life or disability, are usually unnecessary for you or your staff.

Deductible Vs. Nondeductible

To be tax deductible, company costs must be both “ordinary” and “necessary,” something every business owner should keep in mind. You need to learn to itemize deductions for your small business owners.

As there is no universally accepted definition of “ordinary and essential business costs,” business owners should always ask themselves,
· “Is this item advantageous to the firm, and is it required for earning money for my business?”

A home stereo or Internet connection is not tax-deductible, but an office stereo or Internet connection is. Your company’s accounting services cannot deduct the cost of a limousine since it does not meet the essential criteria. However, a tax break is available for those who operate a livery service.

Consult an accountant or bookkeeper if you are unsure whether or not a certain cost is tax deductible.

For illustration, consider the following:

Deductible Non Deductible
New Computer Vacations with the family
Goods of Goods Sold Home Telephone Line
Marketing and Advertising Personal Expense paid on company credit card
Office Utilities Working during lunch (By yourself)
Start-Up Necessary Expenses Club & Gym membership dues or Registration fees
An insurance premium is paid for by the company for the employers The clothes you wear at your job place(like suits or shoes or blazers etc)
Food at Employee Meetings (if meeting is officially called by the employer and employees are getting paid for it) Charitable Donations


Sometimes it’s not easy to tell which costs are tax-deductible and which aren’t. For example, the list of itemized deduction your workers may use to reduce their income tax amount may differ depending on the nature of your firm. If you aren’t sure, the essential thing you can do is learn to distinguish between personal and company expenditures.

Nothing may be deducted if it is used for one’s pleasure or gratification. Work-related travel expenses, political party donations, and presents valued at more than $25 are all considered large. Many expenses that appear necessary for running your company may not always be.

Check your company’s policy on deductible and Nondeductible business expenses if you’re still unsure about what costs are covered. Details on how to claim reimbursement will be included.

With your newfound knowledge of what constitutes a Nondeductible expense and the value of a digital solution for keeping tabs on small business outlays, how about we have a chat about expense tracking software for your small business?


Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.