A company’s primary source of income is likely to be its clients. Maintaining control over cash flow and making sure customers pay you on time is essential to a successful business. One of the most crucial elements of a business, regardless of the industry you are in, is collecting money from clients.

The capacity to obtain prompt payments from clients is crucial for the company’s profit. Most firms eventually have to deal with the problem of non-payment.

What do you do if your client fails to pay you on time?

Right here, you need some patience. Avoid escalating the situation to a full-fledged confrontation. Let’s take you through the entire game plan to show if you face such a situation.

How to Collect Payments from Customers?

Here are some choices for company owners attempting to recover money from their clients in the payment process.

1. Demand Advance Payment from Clients

It may seem simple when dealing with commodities, but when it comes to services, it may appear odd to want payments upfront. However, if there is some level of trust between the client and service provider, it is a good strategy to guarantee payment is made on time. When customers pay in full upfront, you won’t have to hunt them up with invoices.

2. Be Upfront and Honest with your Payment Expectations

It’s important to be clear about any payment expectations before starting a deal with a customer. This entails being upfront and honest about the cost and the acceptable payment options and the estimated time of payment receipt.

3. Follow-up with Emails

A follow-up email is a fantastic solution. Send a reminder email to your client stating that you are anticipating payments. While reminding them of the conditions of your agreed-upon contract, your email should be sent in a neutral tone.

4. Directly Contact the Company’s Billing Department

If you’re seeking to collect payments from a big business try contacting the accounts, finance, or billing departments directly. This division manages the billing system and is aware of the current standing of your invoice. They’ll be able to provide you with a reasonable payment schedule, explain any obstacles to payment, and advocate for a speedier resolution.

5. Encourage Prompt Payments with Incentives

Give customers a discount or incentive for paying in advance if it makes sense for your company. Several businesses offer their clients early payment discounts or other benefits for making an early payment.

6. Offer a Schedule for Individualized Invoices

Asking if you need to change your invoicing schedule may be beneficial if an account routinely pays you late but you still get paid. Some customers find it simpler to pay a succession of bills than to save up for a single large payment. While you should never turn away potential customers, it’s crucial to build dependable connections with your clientele.

7. Offer a Modified Payment Schedule

Offering the client a customized invoice schedule may be advantageous if your concern is not merely how to collect money from a customer but also how to do so on time. This might involve changing your billing cycle to accommodate installment payments rather than demanding payment in full. allowing clients to send money promptly.

8. Send a Letter of Final Demand

If a client doesn’t answer your final official letter, you have three major alternatives to get your money back: arbitration, a collections agency, or legal action. All three will be expensive, time-consuming, and stressful in some way. It’s crucial to consider all options thoroughly before making a decision.

9. Employ a Collections Company

You can work with a collection agency to take the case to the next level and obtain outside assistance in getting your money. When trying to recover money from debtors, they frequently have great success.

10. File an Arbitration Hearing or File a Lawsuit

You have the option of taking the client to arbitration rather than court. Arbitration is sometimes a quick and affordable option to get money from a customer. You appoint a third person (an arbitrator) to render a judgment by the proof you present. The arbitrator’s decision may be upheld in the same manner as a judge’s.

Need to Receive Timely Payments from Clients?

Automate payment collection with expert invoicing software, Moon Invoice to lower the administrative burden while pursuing client payments.

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The Best Methods for Online Payments

Offering several payment options, whether online or mobile, gives your consumers a more pleasant experience and makes it easier for your company to receive payments. Additionally, if the payment method is simplified, your employees may spend less time on the phone and engage in less back-and-forth.

1. Send Invoices Electronically

Professional services or service-based businesses typically utilize invoices to demand payment. Customers now anticipate the ease of transmitting a credit card payment with just one click. You may email a customer’s inbox with a balance due and a handy button to safely submit payment online.

2. Add “Pay Now” on your Website

A website for many organizations serves as more than simply a place where potential clients may learn more about the company. In addition to providing a possible revenue source, it enables them to securely collect client payments. Entrepreneurs can relax knowing that their client payment information is safely maintained and can be collected at any time.

3. Use a Platform for Online Payments

You can quickly collect payment online by using software that is integrated with a platform for accepting payments online. Choose one that will keep your consumer on your website throughout the payment process rather than sending them to another platform.

4. Use a Billing Program

Using invoicing software to facilitate the process of preparing invoices and distributing them to clients is another technique to increase the efficiency of online payment collection. You won’t run the chance to accept payments, which will assist you in minimizing lost money. The program will automatically send appointment reminders after issuing the invoice.

5. Collect Credit Card Information Beforehand

Credit card information is essential to guarantee payment upfront from your customer. Some customers may be reluctant to provide their credit card information before completing a transaction because they may want to assess the caliber of the company. You can demand credit card payments.

6. Make a Payment in Advance on Time

Platforms for payment automation enable company owners to swiftly plan payments, making late payments history. By pre-scheduling payments, you may automatically bill your clients on an annual, monthly, daily, or even hourly basis. The key advantage of utilizing a platform for payment upfront automation is that it enables businesses to tokenize and store client payment information once in a safe location for use in subsequent auto-pay transactions.

7. Evaluate ACH Payment Options

Transfers from one bank to another help the Automated Clearing House (ACH) network process payments. So you’ll need the bank account information of your consumers when you receive payments from them. ACH transfers are typically completed in one to three business days.

8. Authorize a Transaction in Advance

Pre-authorizations are an essential part of conducting business for establishments like hotels and automobile rental companies. Pre-authorizing a transaction puts a hold on the money on a credit card; money won’t be taken out until the merchant runs a capture on the card. By using a payment platform, such as a virtual terminal, you can quickly determine how much of your company’s cash flow is presently stored in a pre-authorized condition.

9. In-person and Promote Contactless Payments

Contactless customer payments are an increasingly common way for people to pay invoices for goods and services using their mobile phones or contactless debit or credit cards. Being contact-free with your payments does not exclude you from physically collecting customer payments.

7 Top Tips to Protect Your Business

1. Conduct Inquiries

Inquire about late payments. The greatest way to find possible issues and avert bigger ones is to ask inquiries when conditions indicate something could be wrong. Every topic should be urged to discuss when something doesn’t look right.

2. Investigate

Every company should take its workers’ queries and worries seriously. Failure to do so deters workers from assisting in the investigation of fraud and encourages indifference.

3. Notify the Insurance

If the firm has the foresight to get insurance against non-payment, reporting dishonest or fraudulent activity to the insurance provider would seem obvious. The likelihood that the coverage payment will be given sooner rather than later is also higher.

4. Inform the Authorities

When a business owner is the victim of payment delays or nonpayment, the customer ultimately decides whether to notify the police about the scam or not. For possible coverage under the policy to be triggered, fidelity insurance demand that the business notify the authorities of the misappropriation.

5. Increase your Defenses

The best course of action for a business following a loss caused by non-payment is to use the experience to improve its security measures. The business has to learn from its errors and put effective corrective procedures in place to close such gaps.

6. Be Wary while Dealing with New Clients

Always run a credit check on a new B2B customer before accepting them. A formal contract may be the only way to guarantee that you get compensated for your labor if something goes wrong with payment processing.

7. Keep your Company’s Data Secure

Use cloud storage to back up data and documents so you can access them from anywhere. Install the proper firewalls and, more significantly, educate your staff on cyber security measures like using strong passwords to safeguard your small business.

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As an unpaid business owner, you need to consider all of your alternatives before contacting a collection agency. You can collect payment quickly for unpaid invoices following the above best practices and tips.

Businesses can speed up the collection of customer payments with robust online invoicing solutions like Moon Invoice. You can integrate contactless payments if you’re a physical storefront retailer or a business that needs in-person transactions.


Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.