Let’s begin with the simple statement as the answer to what is cash flow. It represents the movement of money coming in or out of any of the organization. If you want to get a feel for the financial health of an organization, go no further than its cash flow statement.

The cash flow can be of 2 types – positive cash flow and negative cash flow.

The cash flow statement of a firm may give vital insights into the company’s financial health, commercial operations, and reported profits when the company’s cash flow is analyzed. Based on the study, projections of future money flows have been made.

Let’s begin with the basic definition of cash flow, and then we will understand how to calculate it and how you can manage it.

What is Cash Flow?

Cash flow refers to the movement of money into and out of a business. It represents the net amount of cash being transferred between different components of a company’s balance sheet, such as current assets (e.g., cash, accounts receivable), current liabilities (e.g., accounts payable), fixed assets (e.g., property, plant, and equipment) and financing activities (e.g., issuance or repayment of debt).

Positive cash flow indicates that more cash is coming into a business than going out. In contrast, negative cash flow suggests that expenses are higher than revenues. Understanding cash flow is essential for making financial decisions about investing in new projects, meeting short-term operating needs, and planning for future growth.

As A Business Owner – Here is How You Can Manage, Calculate & Understand the Cash Flow

As a small business owner or entrepreneur, engaging the services of an accountant or bookkeeper may not be within your reach right now. However, tracking your cash flow does not have to be a daunting task.

With helpful tools like Moon Invoice’s accounting software and cash flow calculator, you can easily keep tabs on your finances without requiring professional assistance. Additionally, by syncing with your bank accounts and being compatible with other tools, Moon Invoice offers a valuable resource for generating cash flow statements.

It is important to note that cash flow statements differ from income statements and balance sheets, each serving unique purposes in understanding your financial health.

What is a Cash Flow Statement?

The financial inflows and outflows of a business during a specific period, often one fiscal year, are summarised in a cash flow statement report. The primary purpose of this report is to show how well a company can manage its cash and whether it has enough money coming in to meet its obligations and fund its operations.

By reviewing a company’s cash flow statement, analysts and investors can assess its ability to pay dividends, repay debts, and reinvest in itself to fuel future growth. They can also compare cash flow across multiple periods to spot trends or red flags, such as declining cash flow due to increased costs or shrinking margins.

Additionally, they may consider the quality of cash flows when evaluating a company’s performance, as some cash inflows or outflows may be considered more reliable or sustainable than others.

Presenting detailed information about cash inflows and outflows helps stakeholders judge a firm’s capacity to create value for shareholders and achieve its strategic objectives.

How to Calculate the Cash Flow?

Calculating cash flow requires gathering data on the various incoming and outgoing cash sources and organizing this information into a standardized format.

To calculate, below are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Choose a time frame for your study. It could be a year, month, or a quarter.

Step 2: Identify all the categories of cash inflows and outflows. These will include revenue, expenses, investments, and financings.

Step 3: Gather data on each category of cash inflows and outflows.

Step 4: Organize the data into a spreadsheet or table with columns for each transaction’s date, description, and amount.

Step 5: Use this information to calculate your net cash flow for the chosen period.

Here’s one example of how these steps might play out in practice:

We wanted to calculate our cash flow for the past month. We would start by identifying all the relevant cash inflows and outflows categories, such as revenue, expenses, investments, and financings. Then we would gather data on each of these categories, such as looking at our bank statements and accounting records to see how much cash came in and went out during the month.

Next, we would organize this data into a spreadsheet or table with columns for each transaction’s date, description, and amount. Once we had all the information organized, we could use it to calculate our net cash flow for the month. Let’s say we had $10,000 in revenue, $5,000 in operating expenses, and no investments or financings. Our calculation would look like this:

Net Cash Flow = Revenue + Other Income – Expenses – Investments – Financings

In this case, our net cash flow would be:

Net Cash Flow = $10,000 + $0 – $5,000 – $0 – $0

Net Cash Flow = $5,000

This tells us that we generated $5,000 more cash than we spent during the month, which is a positive sign for our business. By regularly tracking and analyzing our cash flow, we can better understand our financial health and make informed decisions about managing our resources effectively.

How Can You Manage Cash Flow in a Business Operations?

Companies can manage their cash flows by implementing various strategies to optimize liquidity and minimize financial risks.

Some practical ways to manage cash flows include:

1. Forecasting

Accurate forecasting allows businesses to prepare for future changes in cash flow. Income and expenditure forecasting requires consideration of past data, current market circumstances, and other variables.

2. Budgeting

Making a detailed budget helps businesses prioritize where their money goes and how much they spend. Organizations can identify potential issues early by setting specific targets and monitoring actual results against those targets, and adjusting their plans accordingly.

3. Managing Working Capital

Effective working capital management, which represents the difference between current assets (e.g., inventory, accounts receivable) and current liabilities (e.g., accounts payable, short-term debt), is critical to maintaining positive cash flow. Companies aim to minimize tied-up capital without impacting day-to-day operations.

4. Inventory Management

Efficient inventory management reduces excess stock levels and associated carrying costs. Techniques like Just-In-Time (JIT) manufacturing, vendor-managed inventory, and cross-docking can help streamline supply chain processes, reducing working capital requirements.

5. Cost Control

Controlling costs is essential for managing cash flows effectively. Companies can implement cost-reduction initiatives, negotiate better supplier contracts, and monitor expenses closely.

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What if You, As a Business, Fail to Manage the Cash Flow?

Your company is jeopardizing and opening itself to potential issues if you do not appropriately monitor and manage your cash flow. The following is a list of some of the most significant challenges you could face:

Way too much inventory. Suppose there is an unexpectedly strong demand for a product. In that case, placing a large order for the necessary materials to meet that demand might be tempting.

If the demand shifts, you risk being stuck with excessive stock and may incur debt since you pre-ordered the supplies.

Suppose you place an order for too much inventory. In that case, you risk being stuck with commodities that are no longer in demand and will be challenging to sell.

1. Extended Terms Of Payment

Going through extended lengths is common without receiving new revenue when you have lengthy payment periods.

A lack of funds might make dealing with unexpected issues like a workplace fire or the need to repair a laptop difficult. While doing so, you anticipate the deposit of funds.

2. Overtrading

After landing a significant order, it is tempting to get carried away with your company vision in the same way that it is possible to get carried away with your stock. Hiring more people or expanding to additional locations may seem like a good idea if you want to develop your company. Still, it would help to have sufficient cash flow to do any of those things.

Because your rent and wages are fixed, even if your revenues might change, you need to be able to tolerate short-term strain on your finances if you want to increase your workforce and expand your business’s physical location.

3. Overspending

When you get a new customer, you may feel compelled to go on a shopping binge and buy a variety of luxuries, from expensive orthopedic chairs to ping-pong tables for the workplace. This is a natural reaction.

However, it would help if you kept in mind that until they pay you, you don’t technically have the money in your possession yet.

Types of Cash Flow

There are several types of cash flow that companies may experience:

1. Operating Cash Flow – A cash flow that occurs in the business due to the daily operation of the business and which is inclusive of expenses and sales relating to the production of goods or providing services.

Describing the movement of funds related to the manufacturing and sale of products/services during regular operations, cash flow from operations (also known as operating cash flow) indicates a company’s ability to meet its operational expenses and bill payments.

For a company to remain fiscally sound in the long term, there must be a surplus of incoming cash flows over outgoing ones.

To calculate operating cash flow, one starts by deducting the cash spent on operating expenses from the cash collected from product/service sales within a specified time frame. This figure appears on a company’s cash flow statement, released semiannually and annually.

By scrutinizing operating cash flow, stakeholders can assess whether the organization possesses adequate funds to sustain and grow its operations. However, low operating cash flow might suggest the requirement for outside financing to support capital expansion initiatives.

Remember that cash flow from operations helps distinguish between actual cash receipts and revenue recognition. Suppose a company secures a significant sale from a customer; However, this increases revenue and earnings, and the influx of cash might not correspond accordingly due to difficulties in collecting payment from the client.

2. Investing Cash Flow – This type of cash flow results from a company’s investments in long-term assets like property, plant, equipment, or other securities such as stocks or bonds.

The cash flow from investing (CFII) activity report details the cash generated or utilized through different investment pursuits during a particular duration. CFII encompasses transactions involving investments in fixed assets, security acquisitions, or divestitures. Negatively impacted cash flows from these actions aren’t necessarily unfavorable, especially when linked to long-term strategies to strengthen the enterprise, like R&D endeavors.

3. Financing Cash Flow – This type of cash flow results from a company’s borrowing or lending activity, such as taking on debt or issuing equity.

Positive cash flows from financing activities reveal that a company is effectively managing its capital structure and has access to sufficient funds to finance its operations. Conversely, negative cash flows from financing activities could imply that the company struggles to obtain necessary financing or faces challenges in servicing existing debts.

To understand the company’s financial position further, investors should analyze the composition of cash flows from financing activities, including issuances of debt or equity instruments, repayments of borrowings, dividend declarations, and share buyback programs.

These movements help illustrate how a firm allocates resources and affects the return on investment for shareholders. Cash flows from financing provide valuable insights into a corporation’s overall fiscal health.

Cash Flow Vs. Profit

Cash Flow vs. Profit

Mixing up the ideas of cash flow and earnings is a common mistake among entrepreneurs and investors. These terms describe distinct aspects of a company’s financial health, so understanding their distinctions is essential for informed decision-making.

Put, profits signify the surplus of revenues over costs. Businesses using the accrual method of accounting can show considerable divergences between their cash flow and earnings figures.

This occurs because, under accrual accounting, revenues may be recorded before receiving the associated funds. At the same time, expenses can be tallied before paying them out.

It’s best to focus on cash flow data in the short run, given that a company with favorable cash flows can remain afloat despite reporting losses.

On the other hand, over the long haul, profit information assumes greater significance, as it shows whether the adopted business model has the potential to yield profits consistently.

Determinant Cash Flow Profit
Purchase of a business asset Negative cash flow at the point of purchase Deducted as a depreciation expense over the asset’s useful life
Customer pays upfront for
2 years of services
Cash inflow received upfront Income attributed to the actual period that it relates to
PAYGW withheld from wages Cash outflow does not occur until the BAS is lodged and paid The PAYGW element of the wages counts as wages expense in the period that the wages are paid
Sale of a business asset for less than the value of the asset Cash inflow occurs on the sale A loss is realised on the difference between the asset’s remaining value and the amount it was sold for
Prepay Insurance for two years Cash outflow occurs at the point of payment Insurance expense apportioned to the period it relates to
Capital injection on the issue of shares Cash inflow from the shares issued to owners Does not count as income

How to Analyze Cash Flows?

If the statement of cash flows is examined in conjunction with the other financial statements, it may shed light on the cash flow challenges that a firm is experiencing. Following are some cash flow ratios that examine the income statement and the balance sheet to determine whether there is enough cash to cover expenses.

1. Cash Flow Return on Sales

When a business utilizes the accrual method of accounting, the reported financial results may contain discrepancies due to various accruals, which could misrepresent the actual profit earned per unit of sales. When a mismatch between cash flows and net profits is reported, using the cash flow return on sales metric is advisable. This measure emphasizes the cash generated from every dollar of sales, providing a more authentic picture of a firm’s performance.

To determine the cash flow return on sales, we begin by adjusting the net income figure by including non-cash expenses and dividing the result by the total sales during the assessment period. The calculation is expressed thus:

Cash flow return on Sales = (Net sales – Cost of goods sold – Operating expenses + Depreciation & amortization) / Net sales

By employing this formula, stakeholders gain a clearer perspective of the cash generated from operations, helping them to make informed decisions about the organization’s future direction.

2. Cash Flow Return on Assets

We must adjust the net income number by factoring in non-cash costs to get the cash flow return on sales. However, this computation neglects any alterations in working capital or fixed assets.

When coupled with a robust performance management framework, this analysis often leads to a gradual decrease in the ratio of fixed assets and inventory relative to revenues.

In industries characterized by substantial investments in assets, evaluating the efficiency of these resources is crucial. Managers can ensure they maximize their returns on these costly investments by measuring the assets’ cash flow.

At the assessment period’s conclusion, We divide the resulting number by the assets’ total value. The formula is:

Cash flow Return on Total Assets = (Operating cash flow – Capital expenditures) / Total Assets

This metric enables decision-makers to gauge the effectiveness with which assets generate cash, optimizing the deployment of these resources and enhancing overall organizational performance.

3. Cash Flow from Operations Ratio

Calculating this metric begins by extracting cash flow from operations, subtracting non-cash revenues and expenses from the total net income. One instance of non-cash revenue is deferred revenue, such as an upfront payment for services slated for delivery over multiple months.

Analysts typically utilize the cash flow from operations to net income ratio to evaluate a firm’s performance.

Optimally, a company’s primary source of cash generation should emanate from its significant operations. Any substantial reliance on peripheral activities to prop up core functions might indicate underlying issues with the organization’s sustainability.

After determining cash flow from operations, we then divide the result by the total net income attributable to the enterprise. The formula is:

Cash Flow From Operations to Net Income Ratio = Cash flow from operations / Total net income

By examining this ratio, stakeholders can discern whether a firm primarily depends on its principal undertakings to generate cash, thereby offering valuable insights into the stability and long-term viability of the organization.

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Example of Cash Flow

Now let us see a quick good cash flow example for your better understanding. Below is an imaginary example of a company ABC at the end of 31st January 2023.

Statement of Cash Flow

Cash flows from operating activities
Net income 5253
Income from continuing operations 7,234
Operating Activities cost
Unrealized (gains) and losses 3,516
(Gains) and losses for disposal of business operations 1234
Accounts payable 2,534
Accrued liabilities 200
Accrued income taxes (50)
Net cash provided by operating activities 29,543
Cash flows from investing activities
Payments for property and equipment (14,564)
Proceeds from the disposal of property and equipment 620
Payments for acquisitions (12,555)
Net cash used in investing activities (24,036)
Cash flows from financing activities
The net change in short-term borrowings (75)
Proceeds from the issuance of long-term debt 13,276
Net cash used in financing activities (2,345)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 742
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 7,014
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 7,756

How to Get Faster Cash Flow?

Small entrepreneurs worldwide regularly encounter a common challenge: balancing the need for profitability against maintaining adequate cash reserves to manage day-to-day operations.

Although generating higher income may seem appealing, prioritizing liquidity is crucial for ensuring stable business operations.

Please take note of the following things to manage the actual cash flows in the business.

1. Invoice Your Customers as Soon as You Finish the Job/Project

This approach establishes a sense of professionalism by demonstrating that you take timely payment seriously while maintaining proper organization regarding billing.

By adopting this practice consistently, your clients will begin to recognize your commitment to timely collections and are more likely to follow suit. Thus, invoicing is a reliable strategy to improve cash flow management and streamline your accounts receivables process.

2. Re-work Your Operating Expenses and Cut down costs on business operations

Managing expenses is vital for improving cash flow within your business. Despite having appropriate pricing strategies, punctual bill collection processes, and substantial sales volumes, persistently facing difficulties meeting financial obligations might indicate excessive spending on regular operational costs.

Identifying these expenses and implementing cost-cutting measures can inject additional cash into your business, alleviating financial strain. Start by scrutinizing several months’ worth of bills to pinpoint the primary drains on your cash flow.

1. Are utility charges overwhelmingly high? Consider adopting energy-efficient practices and equipment to reduce these expenses.

2. Do you subscribe to unutilized software services? Evaluate whether those subscriptions are necessary or explore alternative options.

3. Are employee wages consuming an excessive portion of your cash flow? Assess whether you can reallocate tasks among your workforce or adjust their compensation structures to achieve savings.

By addressing these questions and implementing suitable changes, you can optimize your cash flow management and navigate your business toward stability and growth.

3. Keep Up to Date Payment Cycle with Your Vendors

Balancing various payments as a business proprietor requires careful consideration to avoid depleting your funds abruptly. Creditors such as suppliers, landlords, and credit card providers will demand a significant share of your cash flow.

While it may seem reasonable to settle all dues as soon as possible after receiving considerable amounts, doing so may limit your ability to capitalize on profitable opportunities.

Avoid rushing to clear your debts immediately after a substantial influx of money. Instead, evaluate if there are any beneficial circumstances arising from delayed settlements.

For instance, a temporary offer by a supplier for bulk purchases at a reduced rate may provide better value for your money. Timing your repayments wisely enables you to seize such prospects while controlling your finances.

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5 Most Common Cash Flow Mistakes to Avoid

Starting a company involves learning about managing cash flow, and new entrepreneurs commonly make errors related to it. Here are some common blunders and suggestions to help you avoid them:

1. Don’t Be Too Optimistic

As a business owner, optimism is essential, but it can negatively impact your cash flow management. Avoid overspending based on the assumption that revenue will increase rapidly. Always base your financial decisions on realistic projections and allow for potential fluctuations in income.

To gain more insight, consider partnering with experienced mentors or industry experts who can guide you through estimating your expected earnings and planning accordingly.

Remember to factor in unexpected deviations or shortfalls by subtracting 10%–15% from projected revenues. By doing so – you will get a more accurate budget plan and you will be able to manage your cash flow effectively.

2. Do Not Overspend as soon as You Receive Cash

One way to avoid overspending too early on in your business is to develop a well-structured business plan that lays out important milestones and the corresponding investments needed to achieve those goals.

Breaking down significant expenses into smaller, manageable chunks allows for a smoother cash flow and reduces the risk of overspending. Spread out investments across a more extended period to ensure your company remains financially stable while experiencing steady growth in its cash flow.

3. Making Budgetary Projections Without First Consulting a Statement of Cash Flows

Before creating a budget projection, referring to your statement of cash flows is vital. The latter serves as a valuable tool to aid in planning and managing unforeseen fluctuations in cash flow.

Without this critical information, you may be caught off guard by seasonal declines in sales or other unexpected changes, resulting in delayed payments and potentially damaging consequences for your reputation, relationships, credit score, and financial status.

Therefore, referencing your statement of cash flows is indispensable for successful cash flow management and informed decision-making.

4. Having Amassed An Excessive Amount Of Past-Due Receivables

Another significant issue is accumulating a high number of past-due receivables. Although generating sales is crucial, neglecting to follow up on late payments could harm your cash flow.

Monitor your accounts receivable regularly to identify delinquent accounts promptly. Implement a systematic approach to tracking invoices, issuing reminders, applying penalties, and taking appropriate actions to recover payment promptly.

Overlooking past-due receivables can quickly snowball into serious cash flow difficulties. Addressing these issues proactively can significantly improve your company’s financial stability and overall success.

5. The Problem of Not Having A Sufficient Amount of Spare Cash on Hand

Many entrepreneurs face a common challenge – a lack of emergency funds. Companies with minimal or zero savings find themselves precarious when unexpected expenses arise.

Setting aside two months’ operating costs in the firm’s savings account is highly advised to mitigate this risky scenario. This strategy ensures that even during temporary downturns in business or disruptions in cash flow, the substantial reserves will provide necessary protection against any unanticipated obstacles.

In summary, building adequate emergency funds helps maintain business continuity and sustainability.

How to Manage Cash Flow From Moon Invoice?

Managing cash flow is tedious – you must have Cash flow management software. Well, accounting software like Moon Invoice can help you manage your invoices and accounting and analyze and generate cash flow statements from the software.


Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.