A typical businessman wears a multitude of hats and responsibilities. And amid hustle and bustle, it is common to neglect the crucial task of keeping tabs on their purchases and financial health.

A broken purchase order system or worse, a nonexistent one will eventually lead to a loss in the finances of your company. It is crucial to ensure that the purchase process runs smoothly because it is an essential part of your business.

Electronic purchase orders serve as the basis for this system’s functionality. Even better, the right purchase order software may enable you to achieve a degree of analytics that helps with planning and budgeting for the future month and year. While moving away from the paper-based processes of your company might seem like a tough decision, it can be a game changer. In the long run, automating and digitizing anything in business pays off.

The system’s operation is aided by digital purchase orders. Even better, with the correct purchase order software, you may be able to obtain a level of analytics that will assist you in planning and creating a budget for the coming month and year.

By moving to digital purchase order systems, businesses may eliminate human errors while saving money and time. Organizations can get benefits such as real-time spending analysis, enhanced visibility into financial data, and increased document security by utilizing electronic purchase orders.

Let’s start with the details of electronic purchase orders in our next part.

What is an Electronic Purchase Order?

An electronic purchase order summarizes the terms and conditions of a sale between a customer and the supplier. An electronic purchase order system efficiently generates and sends the digital POs to the appropriate parties directly from the purchase requisition on the system.

An electronic purchase order system makes managing stocks, vendors, and suppliers for your company’s procurement process straightforward. It is an electronic document for purchase order automation that contains in-depth details about an order you place with a supplier or vendor for products or services. It also makes managing tax season and bookkeeping much simpler.

All purchase-related paperwork is organized on one dashboard and is managed by an electronic purchase order system. Using paperless purchase orders consistently speeds up ordering, lowers error rates, and keeps a complete record of all purchases.

By presenting all information upfront, an electronic purchase order enhances communication between the parties and lowers the likelihood of misunderstandings.

How to Create an Electronic Purchase Order System?

Using the electronic system, all of your purchase orders will be quickly transmitted electronically to all of your vendors. You will have instant online access to all of your POs, allowing you to acknowledge your orders and give out notifications of impending shipments.

Once you’ve figured out the benefits, it’s time to put the concept into action. You just need to finish the next 5 steps to set up an electronic purchase order system. Let’s take a look.

1. Create Custom Forms

After you’ve outlined your needs, create a purchase order form that the other team members can fill out so that all of your PO forms adhere to the same format. You can use automated purchase order templates to get the necessary data, such as order details, vendor details, and item prices, or create it from scratch manually. You can create digital purchase orders and receipts effortlessly.

2. Design Method

You need to design the method once the digital forms are created and sorted for further processes. You can collect information or let the interested party see the form and take action as per the project.

3. Obtain Permissions

Once the workflow is finished, you need to assign stakeholders and set access limitations. Some jobs and tasks should be delegated for a smoother flow of the purchase process from approval requests to invoicing process. Depending on the function, access to and visibility of confidential information may be different.

When management and finance employees review the request on the electronic purchase order system, they only need access to read order details; the individual who filed the purchase request might need access to additional data. Even then, they only require permission to reject or send the request back; they don’t even need edit access to change the purchase terms.

4. Activate the system

You can pick up the order forms now. Using an online workflow, tasks are automated, and roles and constraints are established. The app must first be deployed before being made accessible to the entire purchasing team. To ensure everything runs smoothly, only a small group of those involved in the procurement process should have access to the purchase order process system.

5. Process Improvement

The electronic purchase order system for processing purchase orders will get a lot of feedback once it is made available to a bigger audience. Update the digital purchase order software and take these recommendations into account if your automated system is missing a few details. However, it would be preferable to completely remove the application and focus on improving it if it lacks essential functionality or has operational issues.

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Digital Purchase Order vs Paper Purchase Order

Even if we may have already persuaded you to utilize an electronic purchase order, let’s take a closer look at how they differ from conventional ones.

Let’s list out the differences:

Determinant Manual Purchase Order Digital Purchase Order
Time It is pretty labor-intensive. Repeated chore time consumes hours of productive time. Thanks to automated workflows, teams may concentrate more on strategic objectives like process optimization with an electronic purchase order process.
Costs It costs money and effort to store paper forms and to fix mistakes made by people. Despite the possibility of annual or monthly subscription fees, a business will save money with each electronic purchase order.
Accuracy Manual P.O.s are prone to human error, mistakes, and erroneous conclusions from the purchase order request to completion. Digital POs guarantee precision and uniformity at all levels. An electronic purchase order process has very low chances of any mistakes or errors during the purchasing process.
Follow-up The P.O. procedure demands meticulous follow-up at every stage of the purchasing process. Team members are immediately informed in real-time when anything is needed or when problems occur with an electronic purchase order system.
Supplier-Customer Relations Delays in PO approval could result in late payments, which could harm the client relationship. Strengthens relationships with suppliers by reducing employee workload and enabling speedy approvals.
Visibility A lack of transparency and communication results in bottlenecks. Everyone will be given real-time status updates at each stage from purchase order requests to payment.
Data Storage Records on paper that require actual, pricey space for an audit trail. With cloud-based storage, any master data required may be accessible from any location in the world to your accounts payable team.
Compliance A high error rate lowers audit accuracy and compliance. P.O. processing was standardized to ensure compliance and global audibility.

7 Benefits of Using Electronic Purchase Orders

Here are seven reasons to start using electronic purchase orders right away.

Benefits of Using Electronic Purchase Orders

Reduce your Late Payment Habits

You may speed up the payment processing process by using automated approval processes and giving stakeholders ample notice. To trigger early payment discounts, and reduce payment delays. Improve supplier communication by using a quick, accurate, and error-free PO process.

Lower Rates of Error

DPOs are frequently more accurate than paper POs since there is less potential for human error when entering data into an electronic system.

Saves Time

Another benefit of DPOs is that they can be generated and sent online, which is a significant time-saving improvement over the conventional paper purchase order procedure. Simply filling out a web form or using accounting automation software allows buyers to create a DPO, which can then be electronically sent to the seller by email or another manner.

Additional Responsibility

Orders are monitored electronically. The program logs the user who makes all the changes and keeps track of the information. As a result, as a company, you will always be aware of who made the most recent changes or who is in charge of the spending.

Increased Transparency of Spending

Since it gives a comprehensive insight into the locations where the expenditure is taking place, mapping a company’s spending is crucial. Using an online digital purchase order system allows you to keep track of where your money is going, find expense hotspots, examine spending trends, and develop real-time optimization plans.

Remote Access

Everything is kept in the cloud if your purchase order system is online where you can access it from anywhere, anytime. You have a tonne of access freedom and flexibility as a result. With just a browser and an active internet connection, you and your team can view reports and analytics from any location!

Processes Without Errors

Digital purchase order processes are error-free as compared to paper-based processes. Workflows and automatic rule-based inspections allow for the most accurate processing, modification, and analysis of the documents.

Top Features of a Digital Purchase Order System

With these procedures in place, you may use Moon Invoice to create an electronic purchase-order system or automate the human purchasing procedure. To create a digital purchase order system, you must identify the traits that your company needs and combine them with the finest available technology.

Flexible Method

The procurement team must have the capacity to create adaptable purchasing workflows with rules that are sensitive to shifting business needs. The decisions and activities taken during the purchase order process must be very clearly outlined in the workflow.

Creation of a Flexible Field

The electronic purchase order software must be able to provide configurable definitions for data fields that cannot be efficiently collected using generic field definitions.

Utilizing the Cloud

The PO software must be cloud-based to offer access from anywhere at any time as well as secure data storage. Data related to purchasing orders can be stored and retrieved using a cloud-based PO system.

Availability of Centralized Data

To enable centralized access to purchase data, the electronic PO system must offer a simple, user-friendly dashboard. Due to centralized data access, the procurement team can keep track of the status of POs.

Universal Accessibility

Electronic purchase order systems that are cloud-based enable seamless omnichannel access to a variety of online platforms. Access to purchase orders, references to purchases, orders’ approvals, and orders inspections must all be available on a global scale.

Access Authorizations

Purchase data must be treated with caution and security. Only particular circumstances should be allowed for access to change, authorize, and view the data and POs. Based on user-specific privileges and conditional formatting, the electronic PO program must give access permissions and approve requests.

3-Way Matching Automatically

The application should automatically compare invoice and PR data with PO data. You get the best benefits and protection against errors.

Alerts and Updates in Real-Time

Businesses utilize automated PO workflow primarily to eliminate bottlenecks and delays. The managers and approvers must be instantly informed of the status of the PO and automatically alerted to approaching approval deadlines.

Analytics and Reporting

Software for creating purchase orders must provide accurate reporting and documentation. The leadership can make strategic business decisions thanks to the data reports provided by the program.

Issues with the Manual Purchase Order Process

As manual processing is time-consuming and hectic, an inordinate amount of paper records are required to process just one purchase order.

While waiting for approval, papers must be organized and safeguarded from getting misplaced. Because of this, the manual purchase order procedure is disorganized, difficult, and time-consuming.

It is rather annoying to secure, store, and submit purchase orders through the approval procedure while making sure they don’t vanish or break apart.

Despite the clear benefits of digital purchase orders, it’s crucial to consider the factors that led customers to make the conversion.

Here are a few mistakes businesses frequently make when using manual purchase orders:

Additional Documentation

Any opportunity to reduce the amount of paperwork required to run a firm is welcomed. A manual purchase order method lengthens the backlog and makes the organization more challenging.

People Interacting

Only persons can accomplish a manual P.O. procedure. This is related to the original P.O. requirement, the manual signature and approval process, and the vendor follow-up.

Mistakes & Errors

Manual P.O.s are indicators of human involvement. As a result, mistakes might be made, which would ultimately cause the purchase order procedure to be delayed. Even with knowledgeable people, mistakes will inevitably occur.

Not Enough Publicity

In the absence of an automated mechanism, each party must wait their turn on the PO. It is challenging for all parties engaged in the acquisition to come to an agreement when using paperwork. Things disappear, accumulate on desks, or are destroyed. Before a purchase order is digitalized, there is almost no visibility.

Identify Obstacles

The slightest detail could cause the entire manual PO process to fail. A company may run out of printed purchase order forms, an employee may misplace a P.O., and if someone is ill or away, the approval procedure may be delayed. When anything is done “by hand,” there are a lot of things that could go wrong.

Complying with Issues

Using manual processes while adhering to commercial or regulatory norms may be challenging. How can requirements be fulfilled if you can’t keep track of the precise steps taken concerning each purchase order? There isn’t enough openness.

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A good computerized purchase order administration procedure simplifies purchase requests while also streamlining other tasks like tax preparation, accounting, budgeting, and more.

Businesses that use electronic or digital purchase order systems can avoid endless back and forth, save countless hours in administrative work, and significantly speed up the purchase order process. Organizations can replace paper-based POs with one of three options.

Because manual PO creation makes it impossible to standardize them, it may be difficult to match PO data to invoice data. By processing purchase orders electronically instead of on paper, the company saves both time and money. By using an electronic rather than manual process for paperwork completion, the electronic purchase order system decreases errors and delays.

Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.