Invoicing is crucial for every business to achieve healthy cash flow and keep business wheels running on the path of success. So, invoicing is another part of the business story that keeps the billing process up to the mark.

However, many professionals make mistakes while creating an invoice. Mistakes happen in every work, but in the case of billing, they affect the financial game. This is the reason professionals should be aware of the correct invoice.

If you make an invoice, then this blog will be highly fruitful for you. Here, we will guide you on the common invoicing mistakes you should avoid.

So don’t leave the page without reading till the last word.

13 Common Invoicing Mistakes To Never Entertain

13 Common Invoicing Mistakes To Never Entertain

Here are the most common invoicing mistakes to avoid.

1. Sending Late Invoices

Are you lazy in sharing your invoice with a client? Give up this habit as early as possible. A late invoice simply means a late payment or unpaid invoices that impacts the whole financial process.

Sending invoices promptly will let you receive payment on time. Late invoice sending is one of the most happening invoicing mistakes to avoid. However, this is a common mistake that most professionals make.

Always send invoices on time because it enhances on-time payment. Keep a schedule for sending invoices. It will keep your invoices on time.

2. Missing or Wrong Invoice Details

Missing and wrong information is another one of the common Invoice mistakes. Fill in the invoice details carefully because false or missing information can ruin your invoicing game. It also affects the whole further process. Unnecessary time investment is another point of this mistake.

Invoicing the wrong person can create a negative image of your company. Similarly, if you mention the incorrect amount or invoice number, then it could negatively impact the entire calculation.

The best solution is to verify the whole invoice before the final dispatching of an invoice. This will help in fixing the problem if it arises while creating an invoice.

3. Unclear Payment Terms

Mention your payment terms in lucid and understandable language. The wrong payment terms can lead to delays in prompt payments and also a lawsuit against your business.

The points need to be concise if the terms are related to late fees, shipping policy, or refund policy. Keep the payment terms straightforward and to the point while avoiding complex sentence structures.

Remember that the payment terms are for the user, so the language should be simple from the user’s point of view. Give no space to misunderstandings to ensure a smooth payment flow.

4. Forget to Follow up

Often business professionals forget to follow up on invoices. Once you share the invoice, take a follow-up after an interval. Taking a follow-up will help you to avail payment on time and reduce the unpaid invoices. For proper follow up you can track the invoice or directly send payment reminders to your clients.

5. Using Unprofessional Templates

Templates can make or break your invoicing game. No doubt templates speed up your invoice processing. However, you should focus on their structure and look.

Check if they are meeting professional standards or not. Choose invoice templates from reputed invoicing software like Moon Invoice. The invoice templates should be professional to keep your brand maintaining a good image.

6. Ignoring Tax Requirements

Mentioning tax details in the invoice is highly crucial. Missing tax information can lead to tax-related issues and legal-related issues as well.

Missing or mentioning wrong tax information can lead to other problems during the audit. It is better to include proper applicable taxes in an invoice. Crosscheck information multiple times through different people. Every country has different applicable taxes, so make sure you apply the correct tax corresponding to the region.

7. Omitting Itemized Lists

Your invoice should include proper details of the product and service you provide. Along with it, there should be cost bifurcation with each item. It conveys a clear understanding to the client of what they are paying for and prevents misunderstanding. The itemized list depends upon the type of business you perform.

8. Using Incorrect Currency or Language

One of the other invoice mistakes is not focusing on the correct currency and language in the invoice. If you are trading worldwide and serving clients from different countries, then always invoice in the correct currency corresponding to the region.

There are many invoicing software that support multilingual and multi-currency features. So, while availing of this feature, there should be the correct currency and language for the invoice. Choosing the wrong currency or language can lead to issues with your payment process.

9. Poorly Managed Disputes

You must manage invoice-related disputes efficiently. When the customer has an issue with your invoice for any detail or payment term, it is your responsibility to resolve the issue. Unsatisfactory solutions can lead to poor management of the invoice.

Poor management and handling of the dispute are the cause of many invoicing issues. Some professionals make this mistake and get into trouble.

In such a situation, professionals need to be proactive and understand the client’s needs well. You can even take advice from a lawyer or a law expert. Similarly, establish strong communication with the client to avoid any misunderstandings.

10. Ignoring Invoice Tracking

Don’t forget to perform invoice tracking. Proper tracking of invoices helps to maintain absolute clarity in the cash flow.

Invoice tracking is most important when invoicing to several clients. Here, recording, tracking, and auditing the invoice and its data is crucial. However, most professionals avoid it due to its time consumption.

The simple solution to this problem is to choose automation. Moon Invoice offers a fully automated concept that simplifies your invoice tracking.

11. Falling for Invoice Fraud

Invoice fraud has increased as compared to the past year. Many companies are victims of invoice fraud and suffer financial disorders and losses.

In invoice fraud, scammers send fraudulent invoices to customers. Most fraudulent invoices are identical to real ones, and it is hard to determine the correct ones. Falling for invoice fraud is also one of the invoicing mistakes you must be careful of.

Some professionals ignore regular audits, do not perform proper reviews, or forget to confirm the bank account number and other details. These habits are highly prone to invoice fraud.

12. Missing Payment Link

You are urging your client to pay the amount through invoice. But have you provided the payment link? Keeping a note of this question is highly crucial.

Customers like to have a straightforward payment method navigation. Missing the payment link can delay your payment or result in unpaid invoices. When your client does not get the exact link to make a payment, then it will negatively affect your image.

It is always good to mention a payment link in your invoice. This will be highly beneficial for your client to have clear navigation to make the payment.

13. Not Using Invoice Automation

Invoice automation is a boon for invoicing. Gone are the days when everything was manual. In this automation era, invoicing too is not an untouched thing. Not availing of invoice automation is like a room for invoice errors.

Automation can save you time and help you fill out the correct information. This is why professionals must choose automation-oriented invoicing systems to automate recurring invoices instead of sending manual invoices.

Fortunately, Moon Invoice provides full automation in the invoicing solution. It can enhance invoice creation, sending, and follow-up of invoices.

Looking for the Right Invoicing Solution?

Leverage the advanced invoice features of Moon Invoice to ensure seamless payment flow.

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Why Do Invoicing Mistakes Occur?

Multiple reasons work behind the occurrence of invoicing mistakes. Have a look at them one by one below.

  • Lack of awareness while filling in information
  • Not using efficient software for invoicing
  • Using the irrelevant and unprofessional template
  • Lack of knowledge about specific law
  • Using manual methods instead of using invoicing software
  • Poor communication with the client
  • No proper invoice review
  • Not verifying client details
  • Poor organizing of the document is also an issue

Why and How to Avoid Common Invoicing Errors?

Billing errors must be avoided because they ruin the whole invoicing process. It affects the payment flow and makes it delayed. Moreover, it could lead to unnecessary legal actions.

To keep invoicing mistakes at bay you must focus on the below-mentioned points.

1. Use Reputed Invoicing Software

Invoicing software is the best way to avoid invoicing errors. They help create invoices and manage end-to-end invoice activities.

2. Review the Invoice

Invoice verification is highly crucial before sending it to the client. By reviewing, it is possible to correct the wrong information that you entered accidentally. Also, it helps to cover all shortcomings. So always double check and then, send the detailed invoice.

3. Using Professional Templates

Templates are ready-to-use invoice samples that professionals can customize and use. To avoid invoicing mistakes it is better to use professional templates. These templates calculate the amount automatically. Thus, the chances of billing errors are low.

4. Opt for a Reminder

In the case of invoicing, a common mistake is sending the invoice at the wrong time or missing the same. Setting up a reminder is the perfect solution to this issue. It also helps avoid payment delays.

5. Follow-up Invoicing

You sent a great invoice! But don’t forget your invoice. Keep performing a follow-up on your invoice. Proper follow-up of your invoice will help to identify issues early, prevent payment delays, and manage cash flow. Also, it acts as a gentle reminder to your clients for payment.

6. Develop a grace period

Implement a grace period for those customers who can’t pay rapidly. This simply means allowing them some time to make the payment. This also strengthens your client relationship and builds loyalty among customers.

Don’t Let Your Business Suffer with Wrong Invoices

Choose Moon Invoice to send the correct invoice and avail the right billing process.

Start Your Free Trial


Invoicing is a critical component of a business because it helps to keep the payment flow at a steady level. Thus, there should be no space for invoicing mistakes. Invoicing should be highly accurate, and this can be achieved by choosing the right invoicing software.

Moon Invoice is a one-stop solution for managing end-to-end invoice actions. The platform covers all the advanced features that make invoicing super easy and error-free. Regardless of the business’s nature and size, it covers everything from scratch.

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Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.