Do you know what is an open invoice? If not – don’t worry. In this blog, we will describe everything you need to know under the head of Open Invoice.

An open invoice refers to a bill or invoice for goods or services provided by one party to another. It represents an amount owed from the recipient of the goods/services to the provider of those same items.

An open invoice is a formal payment request, usually containing details about the transaction, such as the date, description of services rendered or products delivered, taxes applied, and other relevant information needed to process the payment.

When you create an invoice online, they are typically used when there is no prior agreement on payment terms or payment methods that have not been established between parties involved in a business transaction.

According to a survey by The Institute of Finance and Management, 86% of B2B transactions involve open invoicing.

What is an Open Invoice? & It’s Meaning

The Open Invoice definition says that – it is an unpaid invoice that has been issued to a customer but has not yet been settled or fully paid. It represents an outstanding balance that the customer owes to the business or supplier.

An “Open Invoice Report” is a document or report that provides an overview of all outstanding or unpaid invoices within a specific timeframe. It typically includes invoice numbers, amounts, due dates, customer names, and aging information (how long the invoices have been outstanding). The open invoice statement helps the accounting department monitor their accounts receivable and track the status of unpaid invoices.

“Open Invoice Document” is often used to describe the invoice itself. Products and services offered, prices, payment schedule, and related fees or taxes are detailed below. An open invoice is a receipt for the goods or services provided by a company to a client and a formal request for payment.

In general, unpaid amounts are represented by open invoices, summarized by open invoice reports, and formalized by open invoice documents, which are given to customers in the form of payment requests.

How Does an Open Invoice Work?

An open invoice is a financial document issued by a business or supplier to a customer for goods or services. It represents an outstanding amount that the customer is obligated to pay.

Here’s a detailed explanation of how an open invoice and open invoice statement works:

1. Issuance of the Invoice: Invoices are created whenever a client receives products or services from a company. Information such as the date, invoice number, company and customer contact details, a detailed description of the goods or services rendered, the number of units sold, the price per unit, the total price, and any relevant taxes are standard inclusions on an invoice.

2. Sending the Invoice: The invoice is sent to the client through the chosen channel, whether email, regular mail, or an electronic invoicing platform powered by billing software.

The invoice is a formal payment request and includes information on the payment terms, such as the date the client must pay any outstanding balance.

3. Customer Receives the Invoice: The client double-checks the invoice upon receipt to ensure all the details are correct. They compare specifics like the delivered quantity and purchase price to the conditions initially agreed upon.

4. Payment Processing: The buyer follows the payment instructions to complete the transaction after seeing the invoice. Bank transfers, credit cards, cheques, and online payment platforms are just some options available to them. The onus is on the client to get the money rolling within the allotted window.

5. Tracking Payment Status: Using accounting software, the company carefully monitors the payment status of outstanding bills. All bills and their due dates, amounts, and aging are recorded. They may monitor payments, spot any hiccups or overdue amounts, and closely monitor their cash flow.

6. Settling the Invoice: The open invoice is considered settled once the customer makes the payment. The business acknowledges the payment and updates its records accordingly. They may provide the customer with a receipt or payment confirmation as proof of settlement.

You may offer early payment discounts to settle the invoice. (generally, 5-10% early payments discounts are given)

7. Late Payments and Follow-ups: In cases where the customer fails to pay the invoice by the due date, the invoice becomes overdue. The business may follow up with payment reminders, statements, or collection notices to prompt the customer to settle the outstanding amount for the incomplete payments.

Late payment fees or interest charges may apply as per the agreed-upon terms or applicable regulations.

8. Closure of Open Invoices: When the customer finally pays the outstanding balance, the open invoice is considered closed, and the transaction is finalized. The business updates its records, reflecting the payment received and ensuring accurate accounting and financial reporting. In some instances, due invoices’ value is considered as bad debt.

Businesses can effectively manage open invoices to ensure timely payments, maintain healthy cash flow, and foster strong customer relationships. Automation and digital invoicing tools can streamline the process, improving efficiency, cash flow and reducing manual errors.

Regular monitoring and follow-up on open invoices by the accounting department are crucial to minimizing payment delays and optimizing financial operations and the business’s cash flow.

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Example of an Open Invoice

Example of Open Invoice

What are the Common Types of Open Invoices Used By the Accounts Payable Department?

An essential task performed by Accounting Departments involves dealing with diverse varieties of open invoices. While some require meticulous monitoring, others can be addressed less vigilantly.

Here are the types of open invoices encountered by finance teams:

1. Manual, Offline Pending Payments

Offline pending payments refer to transactions involving cash, checks, or bank transfers from a customer’s bank account awaiting processing. Although they might only need additional time for processing, it’s crucial to verify their status manually before completing them.

2. Online Pending Payments

When a payment processor automatically initiates an online payment, creating an open invoice, any delay in transferring the money from the client’s bank account to the vendor’s results in an “online pending” available invoice.

Unlike manual offline pending payments, online pending invoice payments often do not necessitate manual intervention since the payment processor automatically confirms them upon creation.

3. Bills

Open invoices characterized as past due will be labeled as “bills,” indicating potential issues with clients making timely payments. Monitoring such open invoices is critical because failure to settle outstanding balances might result in fees or penalties imposed on the customer.

Open vs Overdue Invoices

Category Open Invoices Overdue Invoices
Definition Invoices that are yet to be paid and are within the due date. Invoices that have not been paid by the due date.
Status Open Overdue
Payment Status Awaiting payment Delayed payment
Action Required Payment is pending Urgent payment required
Late Payment Penalty No penalty until the due date No penalty until the due date
Collection Efforts Not yet escalated May trigger collection efforts
Impact on Cash Flow No immediate impact May negatively impact cash flow
Follow-up Process Routine reminders may be sent Escalated follow-up actions may be taken
Customer Relationship Generally unaffected The potential strain on customer relationship
Resolving Actions The customer is expected to make a payment The prompt resolution required to avoid further consequences

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Most Common Challenge of Open Invoices

The most common challenges associated with open invoices are:

1. Late Payments: Customers frequently pay invoices after the due date, causing insufficient funds and a lack of early payments.

2. Disputes and Errors: Outstanding Invoices may be subject to disputes or contain inaccuracies, leading to delays in payment.

3. Inefficient Invoicing Processes: Outdated or manual systems can result in delays, errors, and difficulty tracking payments.

4. Inadequate Communication: Poor communication can lead to missed invoices or unclear payment expectations.

5. Cash Flow Constraints: Open invoices tie up working capital, impacting the ability to cover expenses.

6. Collection Costs: Chasing overdue invoices incurs additional administrative and resource costs.

7. Credit Risk: Extended payment terms expose businesses to the risk of non-payment or default. It can disturb credit limits.

To address these challenges, businesses can implement efficient invoicing systems, set clear payment terms, improve communication, and assess creditworthiness. Automation, convenient payment options, and collection agencies can streamline the process and improve cash flow management.

Closing Process of Open Invoice

After learning How open invoices work – let’s see the closing process. The closing process of an open invoice involves the final steps the Accounts Payable department takes to mark the invoice as settled or closed.

Here’s a detailed description of the closing process for too many open invoices:

The closing process of an open invoice involves several steps to resolve any pending balances or disputes related to goods or services already provided to the customer.

Typically, the closed invoice process starts once the business owner determines there is no more room for leniency and it’s time to close the books. They ensure that their and the customer’s accounting department are on the same page.

Assessment of past due amounts: To make an invoice closed, the business must first determine how much is owed to the company in terms of overdue amounts, interest charges, or other fees applicable under the contract.

Communication with the client: Once the assessment is complete, the business should send a final demand notice to the customer. It serves as a last opportunity for the client to make good on their commitments before legal action is taken.

Negotiations: After serving the final demand notice about late invoice payments, the next step is negotiating with the customer. During this phase, both parties may discuss ways to settle the dispute outside court with the help of invoice discounting service.

Get Paid Faster with Moon Invoice

In conclusion, efficient management of open invoices is crucial for maintaining healthy cash flow and ensuring timely payments. Businesses can streamline their invoicing process and expedite payment collection by leveraging the features and capabilities of Moon Invoice.

Moon Invoice is a comprehensive invoicing software that offers a range of tools to simplify and automate the invoicing and payment process. By utilizing Moon Invoice, businesses can quickly receive payment, improve cash flow, enhance their overall financial stability, and get paid on time. Say goodbye to the challenges of open invoices and embrace the efficiency of Moon Invoice to streamline your invoicing process and ensure prompt payment collection.


Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.