Moon Invoice Blogs

Get the latest scoop on various aspects of online invoices, revenue generation & more for small businesses.

Everything you Need to Know to Control Expenses of your Business

Here are 6 different methods, you can control expenses of your business along with the difference between costs and expenses. Tap to know more!

Top Strategies for Boosting Construction Profit Margin

A construction profit margin is money that you have left after all the costs associated with running your business have been paid. Tap to know more!

Quote vs Estimate: Know How They Differ & When to Use Them

Understand the key differences between quotes and estimates. Learn their purposes, key components, and how to use them effectively in business.

Is an Estimate Legally Binding? Difference Between Binding and Non-Binding Estimates

A binding estimate means that whatever the estimate says, you pay. Here is the complete guide on legally binding along with binding vs non-binding estimates.

What is Project Estimation? Importance of Project Estimation

Project estimation is the process of analyzing available data to predict the time, cost, and resources needed to complete a project. Tap to read more!

Why is Estimating Important For Businesses: A Complete Guide

The purpose of an estimate is to help a business plan for and successfully complete projects. Read more about why is estimating important for small businesses.

What are Outstanding Invoices and How to Get Paid on Time?

An outstanding invoice is a payment that a customer has yet to pay. Here is the complete guide on it and how to get paid faster. Tap to read more!

Top 12 Best-Time Tracking Apps & Software for Freelancers

Time tracking is one of the most important tools for freelancers everywhere. Here we have listed the top 12 time-tracking apps for freelancers. Tap to read more!

A Complete Guide on Invoice Factoring: Examples, Advantages, & More

Invoice factoring is a process of selling your unpaid invoices to an outside entity in exchange for immediate cash. Let's dive into the blog to read more!