Making difficult decisions is a part of running a business. And this can pose a lot of stress. Managing financial reports could fall lower on your priority list after all of this. But they are indeed an important aspect of the business. One such report is the profit and loss statement.

Many firms benefit from the profit and loss statement in different ways depending on their needs. A profit and loss statement is an account that displays the earnings made and costs incurred by the firm during a fiscal year.

To determine whether a company is paying the appropriate amount of tax to the government or not, the government of the country in which the firm operates demands to know the amount of profit that the company is producing. Similarly, business authorities also want to know whether the company is making enough capital to be able to pay off its debt on time or not.

Let’s review the features of the income statement in this guide to demonstrate how beneficial they may be to your company.

What are Profit and Loss Statements?

A P&L(profit and loss statement) is a financial document that demonstrates your company’s profitability for a specific time frame. It displays your revenue with fewer losses and costs. Your final profit (assuming all went well) or loss is the document created for profit and loss statements.

Although there are several distinct varieties, profit and loss templates are often relatively precise. Since P&L statements are designed to examine your company’s expenditure over a certain period, they are created to compare your profit and loss by month, quarter, or year.

Following these few easy approaches, you can calculate the profit or loss of your company.

Gross Profit Net Sales – Cost of Sales
Net Operating Profit Gross Profit – Operating Expense
Net Profit before Taxes Net Operating Profit + Other Income − Other Expenses
Net Profit (or Loss) Net Profit before Taxes − Income Taxes

There are two methods to finish a profit and loss statement: manually using software like Excel or using automatic solutions like MoonInvoice. It is simpler to see patterns and make business decisions when using software solutions, which frequently include several templates like bar charts and line graphs.

Explain Profit and loss (P&L) Statements Working Process

Profit and loss statements are critical business financial statements. These are usually created quarterly or annually. It explains how a business may manage its profits by lowering costs and raising revenue.

It usually helps analyze the trends in cash flow, revenue net operating income, cost, and overall profitability to appropriately manage budgets and resources. It deals with all the sources where the company had received income. It also explains where the funds have been used after being received.

The IRS requires the creation of a profit and loss report to determine the appropriate tax rate to apply to business earnings.

Profit and Loss Statement Example

Here let us assume, Indian Air Coolant Pvt Ltd owns a company dealing in Air Compressors. The company produces a Profit and Loss Statement for the entire fiscal year after the financial year has concluded.

The business reportedly generated $2,000,000 in revenue for the year that concluded on December 31, 2022, by selling Air Compressors and components.

The materials used for the year’s sales cost a total of $1200,000. The business’s operational expenses for the year include $120,000 for advertising, $160,000 for depreciation, $30,000 for rent, $10,000 for payroll taxes, $102,000 for salaries and wages, $10,000 for commissions to vendors, and $7,000 for other functional expenditures.

The firm earned $21,000 in interest on loans it extended to third parties throughout the year, while it paid out $18,000 in interest on loans it received.

Profit and Loss Statement Example

Statement: The business made a net profit of $356,800 during the year that ended on December 31, 2022. The categories of various costs were broken up into categories that seemed more appropriate based on their purpose.

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Profit and Loss Template

Here are the components involved in a profit and loss template along with an easy template business can use:

1. Income

The net sales or receipts for the dedicated period. It covers both the non-operating revenue and the revenue generated by the entity’s main commercial activity.

2. The Cost of the Products Sold

This refers to the cost of both goods and services.

3. Gross Profit

The gross profit is calculated by subtracting sales cost from net revenue.

4. Operational Costs

Administrative, selling costs, and general costs associated with operating a firm for a given period are referred to as operating expenditures. This covers all costs necessary to run the firm, such as rent, wages, utilities, and other expenses. Non-cash expenditures such as depreciation are also included.

5. Operating Earnings

Profits before taxes, interest, depreciation, and approval are all mentioned. To figure out operational income, deduct operating costs from your gross profit.

6. Additional Earnings and Expenses

Although it is not necessary, many companies separate certain revenues and costs into their area of the P&L. This area often covers earnings and costs unrelated to regular business activities, such as profits or losses from the sale of long-term assets, dividend and interest income from investments, and other earnings and costs that are either rare or uncommon.

7. Net Income

It is the entire income received after all costs have been paid. Net profit is calculated by deducting all of your expenses from your gross profits.

Profit and Loss Template

How to Read a Profit and Loss Statement?

Reading a P&L statement helps reveal the profitability of a company at the fiscal year-end. To determine if the business is operating at a loss or making a profit, you need to comprehend line by line of the P&L statement.

To gain a clearer picture of the company’s finances, you need to predefine the statement’s period (month, quarter, or year) before you begin.

Determine whether the accounting technique is:

Revenue basis: When they happen, income and costs are recorded right away.
Accrual basis: Even though revenue hasn’t yet been transferred, income and costs are nevertheless reported.

This is important since accruals could not happen for several months, which could have an impact on the actual revenue or costs for a certain time.

Follow these seven steps to examine and evaluate a P&L report:

  • Establish the revenue value
  • Recognize the costs of business
  • Determine the gross margin
  • Determine operational income
  • Use budget vs. real data to get insight
  • Observe the yearly comparison (YoY)
  • Calculate net profit

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Difference Between the Profit and Loss Statement Vs Balance Sheet

Components Balance Sheet Profit and Loss Statement
Meaning A balance sheet is a statement that declares the company’s assets, liabilities, and capital till a certain date. A profit and loss account is an account that displays the company’s earnings and outlays incurred within a fiscal year.
What is it? It is a type of Statement. It is a type of Account.
How is it represented? The company’s financial health status as of a given date. For the accounting period, the firm either made money or lost money.
When is it created? It is created after the fiscal year. It is created for the following fiscal year.
Disclosed Information Capital, obligations, and assets of shareholders. Gains, losses, costs, and income.
Sequence It is produced after the production of the profit and loss statement. It is created before the balance sheet is created.


The profit and loss statement aids in assessing the period’s activities and net earnings for the company. It provides a summary of the company’s revenue and costs for the period, which is crucial for determining where the money comes from and how it will be used.

The revenues, expenditures, and expenses of a business for a given period are compiled in a P&L statement. The profit and loss or the cash flow statement are the financial statements that public firms are required to release quarterly and annually.

Maintaining all the financial health reports is difficult for business owners. Using cloud invoicing software such as Moon Invoice can help you streamline your cash flow.


Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.