A well-developed purchasing procedure, from the first step (placing the order) to the last (receiving the goods), is crucial to a purchase’s success (Delivery). Keeping track of your spending and always looking for better prices is essential. In this context, purchase orders play a vital role. Typically, an organization will utilize one of four distinct purchase order formats.

But why do I have to spend time on purchase orders as we discuss the different kinds of purchase orders and a sample purchase order? Where did all these variants come from?

Statista predicts that by 2023, the market for procurement software will have generated $5.02 billion in sales. The market is expected to increase gradually but steadily over the next several years at a pace of 4.1% per year.

As legally enforceable contracts, purchase orders are aimed to ensure that both the company and the supplier fulfill their obligations. This paper trail might assist clear up any doubt in case of a conflict between the two parties.

Despite its seeming simplicity, this form will include essential information, such as product information, quantities, special instructions, service/item pricing, payment conditions, and delivery dates.

When companies don’t utilize purchase orders when acquiring stock, it becomes harder to track purchases spent or to look back on previous purchases for insight.

Organizations may use any of the four types of purchase order. This article will go into additional depth about each category, including when to utilize it.

The Importance of Purchase Orders

There is no way to conduct a significant transaction between two parties without first establishing a purchase order as a necessary backend business activity. Having an accurate picture of company costs is crucial for maintaining financial discipline, accurately reporting inventory costs, and preventing mistakes in the supply chain.

You will find seven of the most important reasons why purchase orders (POs) and the inventory ordering process are so useful below.

1. With the help of Purchase orders, you can negotiate volume discounts with your vendors

To get a better price from your present suppliers, it might be helpful to show them how much money and what you purchased from them last year.

To qualify for deeper savings from the supplier, including free shipping, it is best to consolidate product requests from different departments and requesters into a single purchase order.

By combining your spending on related goods with a single, high-performing vendor, made possible via purchase orders, you may more easily qualify for these reductions.

2. It creates ease while performing the audits

Purchase orders are useful for auditing auditors looking into a company’s prior financial dealings. This facilitates auditory comprehension of the business’s financial standing.

A company’s financial records are less likely to have inconsistencies if purchasing orders are issued, processed, and recorded openly and honestly.

3. You can track your vendor’s performance with POs

The records that purchase orders offer also reveal which suppliers are the most and least hassle to deal with. Your suppliers’ ability to fulfill orders on time and without error may be easily monitored with the help of a purchase order system.

You can avoid working with unhelpful suppliers and instead focus on excellent ones thanks to this strategy. Only do business with vendors that respect your company’s compliance policy and contribute to its success.

4. You can save time as you establish a standard process of generating POs

The time spent creating purchase orders (POs) is well spent in the long run. Having a well-defined purchase order process in place streamlines the ordering process.

After the first purchase, shopping for and ordering system-approved items is a breeze. A purchase order may be created for standard items in about ten minutes. It’s simple to draught a purchase order and submit it to a supplier, even for brand new purchases.

When the orders do come in, you’ll spend less time processing them. You need to compare the invoice to the purchase order to double-check that your order was placed correctly. Use a software system, and you’ll have instantaneous access to all your purchasing history.

5. You can have better Inventory Management

Getting merchandise in hand begins with making a purchase. In addition, an efficient purchase order system aids in stock control.

Businesses rely on purchase orders to keep tabs on what supplies are expected to arrive. You may compare these receipts to the associated invoices to ensure everything is in order with your arriving stock.

Manage Purchases & Inventory Closely Using Moon Invoice

Our online invoicing app allows our users to manage both inventory and purchase order management via a single dashboard.

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6. The purchase orders provide you with the Legal Protection

The purchase order alone may constitute a binding contract. The terms of your purchase, including the price and the number of units, must be laid out in writing and signed by both you and the seller. You and the vendor are both protected by this.

As a safeguard, a purchase order provides you with a documented record of your order. It also protects your firm against price hikes you may not have foreseen. The purchase order may be used to correct any mistakes in shipping or billing.

The use of purchasing orders is a safety measure for the vendor. Someone might file a complaint about an inaccurately delivered order if they bought too much of a certain product. Having purchase orders on file allows you to address concerns with your suppliers before they become major problems.

7. Better budgeting and spending management

Use purchase orders to track who purchases what, when, and from whom. The aggregate of this information might shed light on the financial health of your business over time. You may use this data to create more realistic budget projections in the future.

Further, you can see how money is being spent throughout the organization and find places to save costs.

Implementing an online tool like Moon Invoice will allow you to monitor all open orders in one location. A lot of time may be saved as a result of this. You won’t need to go through inboxes, spreadsheets, or filing cabinets to uncover unfulfilled orders.

It streamlines the payment process and keeps track of stock levels, so you can easily keep tabs on your orders and deliveries. Moon Invoice is here now to assist you. We invite you to get in touch with us immediately so that we can demonstrate just how simple it all is.

4 Main Types of Purchase Orders

Some types of purchase orders are more general than others. Although they all have certain similarities, each has its unique characteristics. These variations may or may not affect the efficiency of business transactions.

1. Standard Purchase Orders (SPO)

Most of us are acquainted with the standard purchase order. Businesses use them for one-off purchases they don’t plan to repeat often.

Because you’re placing standard purchase orders with a vendor you haven’t worked with before, you’ll need to be more detailed in your description than you would be with a preferred, or standard vendor. A normal purchase order might be used by a company purchasing office furniture since it doesn’t plan to replace the pieces often.

The highest level of certainty is needed for standard purchase orders, as the supplier must fulfill the order without guaranteeing future contracts. Typical components of a purchase order of this kind include the terms and conditions of the order, the list of goods or services being sought, and information on when and how the goods or services will be delivered.

A manager’s signature is often required as part of a multi-purchase approval procedure before a purchase order can be fulfilled. By automating the approval process with software like Moon Invoice, your team can send out purchase orders in record time.

What information and details are included on a standard PO?

A standard PO typically includes these details:

  • The itemized list of specifics
  • Number of each item
  • Cost of every item
  • Conditions governing the purchase
  • The delivery date of each item (or for the entire PO)
  • The delivery address for each item (or the whole order)

Generate standard purchase orders online using our PO generator. Send accurate purchase orders and get them approved in a jiffy.

When SPOs are used?

When the demand for the products or services isn’t constant or predictable, a nonrecurrent purchase order (PO) is often produced and issued. SPOs are often used for seldom or infrequently used items, such as office supplies.

  • This is a one-time request for the requested product or service.
  • Information about the order’s particulars is public knowledge (delivery date, quantity, description, price.).
  • Payment terms and delivery of goods and services are obligations each party has legally agreed to fulfil.

2. Planned Purchase Orders (PPO)

The only difference between a planned purchase order (PO) and a PPO is that the PPO doesn’t include any delivery specifics. This implies that when a PPO is made, it does not contain information about when and where each item will be used.

The buyer also agrees to all the specifics, such as the things to be acquired, the number of those items, and their prices. This also implies that the number of any batches, bundles, or sets being bought is the same as the total quantity of the goods in the group.

A “release” against the planned purchase order is prepared to validate the delivery timetable after verifying some or all items’ information.

Scheduled releases are those that are made in response to a PPO.

Even though planned purchase orders may contain preliminary timetables that have not yet been verified, the publication of the order is required before the schedule may be considered finalized.

What information and details are included in a PPO?

A PPO typically includes these details:

  • Conditions governing the order
  • The list of objects that will be acquired
  • The amount of every item
  • The cost of every item
  • A PPO sometimes includes these details:
  • The unconfirmed, tentative delivery date for each item (or for the entire PO)
  • An unconfirmed, tentative delivery location for each item (or for the entire PO)

When are PPOs used?

As with any strategy, the estimated timeline for fulfilling purchase orders is subject to change. A PPO may be created initially for 500 goods with no specified delivery date, then modified so that the provider only ships 50 things each month.

  • Future delivery of the products/services is envisaged.
  • An interim contract for recurrent purchases is being negotiated between the suppliers and the buyers.
  • The delivery timetable is estimated to reach the reorder point at some point in the future.

3. Blanket Purchase Orders (BPO)

A blanket purchase order, sometimes known as a “standing order,” is an arrangement with a supplier for future purchases of an unspecified amount. Delivery information and item quantities are included in a blanket PO, just as they would be in a PPO.

For example, a business may employ a BPO to purchase printer paper. It is similar to cartridges in that it is difficult to know when you will run out of paper. However, unlike the preceding instance, it may not be easy to specify future paper requirements precisely. To ensure you have enough of what you need when you need it, you may set up a BPO with your go-to supplier.

The greatest amount that may be ordered at once is often capped using blanket purchase orders to avoid putting the supplier in a situation where they can’t meet demand.

What information and details are included in a BPO?

A BPO typically includes these details:

  • Conditions governing the order
  • The list of objects that will be acquired
  • Sometimes, a BPO contains the following details:
  • Purchase quantity-based price reductions and discount milestones
  • Specific price information for each item

When are BPOs used?

Those things being purchased by the company and their respective delivery conditions will all be included on a blanket purchase order form.

However, until the company issues a press release, we won’t have any more information. When a need develops, the buyer may place an order for any number of products up to the agreed-upon limit. The supplier will fulfill the request if the total number of things ordered is less than the agreed-upon maximum.

  • The organization is aware of the required service or product. Still, it is uncertain as to the exact amount or delivery schedule.
  • Business demand for services or products over a certain time frame is estimated.
  • The provider and the customer have agreed on a budget and other terms and conditions.
  • To save money on future purchases insured by the contract.

4. Contract Purchase Orders (CPO)

A contract purchase order is the most basic kind of PO since it only states the terms and conditions agreed upon by the purchase and seller. A CPO is just a contract that specifies how and when future purchase orders will be issued.

Even when purchase orders aren’t published in the same manner in the future, a CPO may assist set them up. Suppose a purchase order is issued under an existing CPO. In that case, it is “raised” against the terms of the contract and must meet its specifications. The amount, date, and item list that a corporation will seek are not always specified in CPOs; instead, they offer agreed-upon periods for future POs.

A CPO may be established between your company’s office manager and a reliable supplier to streamline the buying procedure in the future. Workflow automation is useful for external and internal approvals of purchase orders.

What information and details are included in a CPO?

A CPO typically includes these details:

  • Formalized and agreed-upon terms and conditions from which new purchase orders may be derived.

When are CPOs used?

Companies use CPOs to enter into a contract with a supplier when they have decided to work with them but have not yet completed the actual transaction (purchase of goods/services).

It establishes the parameters under which the transactional relationship, including future SPOs, will function. In most cases, a CPO will have an expiration date of one year from the day it was signed.

  • A legal, ongoing contract governs the relationship between the supplier and the purchaser.
  • Aiming to establish future business dealings on a firm legal footing.
  • They serve as a foundation upon which SPOs may be built.
  • They are not time-sensitive and are used to facilitate and secure the two parties’ purchasing transactions.

Wrap Up

Setting up an automated purchase order approval procedure is crucial for getting all sorts of purchase orders to suppliers in a timely manner.

Workflow efficiency given by automation solutions like Moon Invoice is useful for managers, accountants, and the suppliers they use. When processing conventional, planned, blanket, or contract purchase orders, the platform’s drag-and-drop interface and condition logic ensure that all relevant parties are kept in the loop.


Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.