You need to be acquainted with the phrase ‘balance sheet,’ no matter what company industry you are in. It is a financial statement summarising all the assets, liabilities, and equities of an enterprise at any one moment. It is usually used by lenders, investors, and creditors to assess the liquidity of a company’s assets and financial obligations. But, again, irrespective of your business sector, you need to accept that the future of company accounting is online billing software.

It is one of the documents included in the small business reports. After the reporting period, the balance sheet is displayed, while net income and cash flow statements are shown for the whole reporting period.

A balance sheet provides information on a company’s value at a certain time, allowing you to comprehend its financial status better using financial reporting software

We will see what the balance sheet is. You will learn about the following subjects if you want to grasp better what is contained on a balance sheet vs an income statement with a balance sheet example. And what informs you about your company’s financial condition: What is a Balance Sheet? Maintaining a balance sheet, and How is the balance sheet necessary?

Depending on the kinds of commercial transactions in which an organization is engaged, the specific line items that will appear on a company’s financial statement will differ from one company to the next. However, because they all deal with the same kinds of transactions, it is typical for the balance sheets of businesses in the same industry to have pretty similar line items. 

According to their order of liquidity, the line items are given in the following sequence: first, the assets that may be converted into cash are listed, and second, the obligations due for payment the soonest are listed first.

The financial balance sheet is used in combination with other key financial documents such as the revenue statement, the cash flow statement, and the cash flow statement for fundamental analysis and calculation of the financial ratio, including gross profit margin. We’ll examine a balance sheet example too.

What are the Items or Components of the Balance Sheet?

What are the Items or Components of the Balance Sheet

When a company’s finances are in good shape at one point in time, the balance sheet prepared from financial reporting software provides a picture of that situation. However, it cannot itself comprehend the patterns over a more extended period. 

As a result, the balance sheet should be compared to the balance sheets from prior periods. It should also be compared to the other financial statements of the company. You may also use this information to create a balance sheet vs an income statement.

A variety of ratios may be calculated from a business’s balance sheet, which can assist investors in determining the health of the company. The debt-to-equity ratio and the acid test ratio are two examples of excellent financial metrics, among many more. In addition, the statement of revenue, the statement of cash flows, and comments and income additions, which may be linked with balance sheet reports, are additional proper instruments for assessing a firm’s financial position.


In the financial report, accounts are displayed from top to bottom to determine their asset liquidity (the ease they may be translated into cash). They are divided into two categories: current assets that could be converted into cash in one or fewer years and non-current or long-term assets that could not be converted to cash.  

If you are struggling to keep up with your assets and inventory, the future of company accounting is online billing software or financial reporting software.

Within Current Assets, the Following is the Typical Sequence of Accounts

  • The most liquid assets may include cash and cash equivalents, which include bills of the Treasuries, short-term depositary certificates, and hard currency, among other assets. 
  • Marketable assets, such as stocks and debt instruments, are exchanged on a liquidity market.
  • In accounting, accounts receivable refers to the money that customers owe the business, including a provision for doubtful accounts. As a result, a certain percentage of customers may default on their payment obligations.
  • Inventory refers to goods for sale that are evaluated at a lower cost.
  • Insurance, advertising contracts, and rent are costs that have already been paid for and reflect the item’s worth.

The Following are Examples of  Long-term Assets

  • Long-term investments are securities that will not be liquidated within a year in the financial world.
  • The fixed assets include property, equipment, technology, construction, and other capital-intensive, long-term assets like structures and machinery.
  • A non-physical (but valuable) asset, such as intellectual property or goodwill, is included in intangible assets. It is generally accepted that intangible assets are only recorded on the balance sheet if purchased rather than created in-house. As a result, they may be grossly undervalued – for example, by failing to include an internationally recognizable logo – or grossly overvalued, depending on how they are marketed.


Generally speaking, in all small business reports or any balance sheet example – liabilities are the sums of money owed to third parties by a business. They may range from bills that the firm owes to suppliers to interest on bonds that the company has given to creditors, rent, utilities, and wages. 

The current liabilities are due and shown in the decreasing order of their due date within one year of the balance sheet. Generally, long-term obligations are expected at any time after one year.

Current Liabilities Examples

  • A percentage of long-term debt is currently outstanding.
  • Indebtedness to banks Interest due to be paid Wages due to be paid Customer prepayments
  • dividends payable and other earned premiums
  • payables and receivables

Long-term Liabilities May Comprise the Following Items

  • Long-term debt comprises interests on debt held and principal payments.
  • A pension fund obligation is the amount of money a business is obligated to pay into its workers’ retirement funds throughout their employment.
  • Tax liabilities that have accumulated but will not be paid until later are deferred tax liabilities. (In addition to time, this number reconciles discrepancies between the standards for financial reporting and the method tax is assessed, such as depreciation computations, among other things.)
  • Some obligations are regarded as off the balance sheet, which means that they will not show on the balance sheet when it is prepared.

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The Equity of Shareholders

Shareholders’ equity is the amount of money that can be attributed to its owners, who are its shareholders. It is sometimes called “net assets” since it equals the sum of a business’s total assets less its liabilities, the amount of debt the firm owes to parties other than its owners.

Return on retained earnings is the number of net profits that a firm retains and either reinvests in the business or uses to pay down debt; the remainder is given to shareholders in dividends.

Some businesses issue preferred stock listed separately from ordinary stock under “shareholders’ equity” on the stock exchange. Preferred stock and ordinary stock, in specific instances, are given an arbitrary par value that does not affect the market value of the share.

This figure reflects the number of money shareholders have invested over the amounts invested in the “common stock” or “preferred stock” accounts, calculated based on par value rather than the stock’s market price. This is because a company’s market capitalization and shareholders’ equity are not the same: the latter is determined by the stock’s current price, while paid-in capital is the amount of equity bought.

Keeping a Balance Sheet in Order

Understanding that, as the name implies, your company’s balance sheet must always be balanced is critical when putting up a financial statement for your company’s financial records. In any small business report or a balance sheet example – one side of your balance sheet represents your company’s assets and liabilities. In contrast, the other side shows your company’s obligations and shareholders’ equity. 

A balance sheet can be divided into two main parts. For your assets to be worth as much as your obligations and equity, your assets must be worth your liabilities and equity. This is referred to as being in balance when your company’s financial statement is in this state. The following formula serves as a representation of this concept on balance sheets:

Assets = Liabilities + Shareholder Equity.

What is the Significance of a Balance Sheet?

What is the Significance of a Balance Sheet

Your company’s balance sheet is an essential financial statement of the company prepared using financial reporting software that provides a picture of the company’s financial health at a particular time. 

The balance sheet may also be seen in combination with your other financial statements to better understand the connections between various accounts. A balance sheet is essential because it offers information about your company that is useful for decision-making:


It is possible to determine how your company utilizes its assets by comparing your balance sheet vs income statement. For example, it is possible to understand how effectively your business can produce income from its assets.


Your firm’s liquidity, or how much cash it has available at any one time, may be determined by comparing your company’s current assets to its current liabilities. Therefore, assets should always exceed liabilities in meeting your short-term financial commitments, and you should strive to maintain a buffer between your current assets and liabilities at all times.


Your balance sheet may help you identify how much your business leverages to assess how much financial danger you face. You may calculate the leverage by evaluating the debt you have relative to your balance sheet.

Example of Balance Sheet

Here is an intelligent balance sheet example, which you can prepare using financial reporting software.


What is the Meaning of the Four Fundamental Financial Statements?

What is the Meaning of the Four Fundamental Financial Statements

The balance sheet is one of four fundamental financial statements of a company that collectively summarise your business’s financial status.

The following are the four fundamental financial statements and how they are used to assess a business’s financial health: (These all-small business reports can be prepared using Moon Invoice’s financial reporting software)

1. Profitability Statement

The income statement sometimes termed the profit and loss statement, summarises a business’s revenues, expenditures, and profits or losses for a specific reporting period. It is regarded as the most critical of the four financial statements since it details the profits generated by a company. 

2. Financial Statements

A balance sheet summarises the assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity of a business at a particular moment in time. It is often regarded as the second most significant financial statement since it summarises its liquidity and potential worth. 

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3. The Cash Flow Statement

Summarises the amount of money moving into and out of a company over time. Lenders and investors use the cash flow statement to assess if a company has sufficient cash to pay off its obligations. 

4. Statement of Retained Earnings

The retained earnings statement summarises a business’s equity changes over a specified reporting period. Typically, the statement includes dividend payments, the sale or repurchase of shares, and changes in equity due to profit or loss reporting.

Bottom Line

The balance sheet is a vital tool for managers, investors, analysts, and regulators to get a sense of a company’s current financial health. Typically, the income statement and cash flow statement combines two additional financial statement formats.

As a result, you must understand that each line item on a balance sheet represents an analyst or investor. The balance sheet is significant because it is connected to the income statement and cash flow statement in the same way that everything else is linked to the income statement. 

To properly understand the different accounting adjustments in financial reporting, one must be familiar with the line items in each company’s financial statement.

With digital technology taking its pace, almost all businesses use financial reporting software to prepare small business reports as it is the future of company accounting. And if you want to test Moon Invoice’s online invoice software – Kindly contact us at or +1-805-491-9393.


Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.